…and I’m here to help you become more healthy, joyful, confident and fulfilled in your motherhood journey — and (spoiler alert!) possibly shake some of those deep seated beliefs that motherhood goes hand in hand with exhaustion, stress and self-abandonment.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m no exception.
Like many of you, I’ve lived through the waves of uncertainty and the fires of change that motherhood has brought into my life and I ended up feeling defeated, depleted and broken way too many times. For years, I sacrificed my inner knowing and authentic voice for the approval of others and the illusion of safety.
I feared that I could end up losing myself in motherhood the way I’ve seen my mother doing — and dying as a result of it. Since an early age, I could witness my mother ignoring her own needs and refusing to step out of the victim role. As a result, I came to understand that self-betrayal and self-abandonment are so many times the ingredients that pave the way to toxic patterns such as depression, addiction and illness.